Just because you are a women doesn’t mean that you’ll become the victim of a crime, however, you are often a target, especially if you live alone. If you’re the type who enjoys living by themselves, you should listen really listen up. There are some things that you can do to improve the odds of not being victimized. At Star Norfolk Locksmith in Norfolk, VA, we really appreciate the women who depend on us for their service needs and we want you to remain safe at all times. This is why we have put together this article. The suggestions here will help you remain safe.
Women living alone have a .5% of experiencing a burglary
Most intrusions happened during the day
Women have a .4% chance of experiencing a violent crime
Women have a .1$ of being robbed
We are finding more and more people living alone these days. Actually, we have noticed this since the mid-90’s. There are so many different reasons we find people living by themselves, children graduating school, buying first home, divorce and even some children being asked to leave. There is absolutely nothing wrong with living alone; however, it can pose a number of threats to your security. You must simply be aware of this and make sure you are careful when coming and going.
Don’t Tell Too Much
By giving other people the perception that you live with someone else is not a bad idea. You don’t have to lie about your living situation but no one has to actually know that you live by yourself. When others know that you live alone, it leaves you susceptible to break-ins. If you live alone, a would-be-intruder may begin to case your home to find out when you’re home and when you are away. Posting too much information on social media can also leave you susceptible, for the same reason. If someone knows that you live alone and you’re constantly posting your vacation pictures and letting others know that you’re going on vacation, this leaves your home wide open for an intrusion. This is the opportunity that an intruder is looking for. The wiser course would be to post your pics once you’ve returned home and make sure you post the date of your trip so that others know it was in the past. Posting the date will let others know that you’re home. When you live in an apartment building, always make it appear as though someone is home. Instead of listing your name on your mailbox, why not use the term ‘residence’. This gives the appearance that you do not live by yourself. Just because you have friends who know you live alone doesn’t mean that you should advertise this to others. If they don’t ask, then you shouldn’t voluntarily offer up this information.
Get Yourself a Pet
Dogs are not only cute and fun they can also be a source of protection. This might be a problem if you are allergic to dogs but if you’re not; it would be one of the most logical things that a single women can do to deter a possible intruder. Even when you can’t be home, your dog will be there. This decreases the possibility of someone breaking into your home when you’re not there. All that a dog needs to do is bark in order to scare off an intruder. If you like remotely, this is especially a good idea. Even if you don’t necessarily like dogs, they are a great source of protection, especially for women.
Tell a Friend
If your close friends and family are made aware of your coming and going, at least they can keep a lookout on you. You can inform them of your travel plans and when you are planning on returning. That way, if they see any suspicious activity around your home, they can act quickly to notify the appropriate authorities. It’s not a bad idea to make friends with other people in your neighborhood or complex. They can also keep an eye on things for you while you away. If they know you, they are more likely to keep an eye on things for you than if they don’t know you.
House Sitters
Just because you live in an apartment complex doesn’t mean that you can’t benefit from a house sitter. This prevents anyone from ever knowing that you are not home. It is also a good idea to allow someone that you know and trust to work from your home when you are away. This means that other people will never know when someone is at your home or not if it looks like there is always someone around. Another advantage to a house sitter is that you’ll have someone there who can feed the dog while you are away. The more you have someone visibly in your home, the least likely you are to experience a break-in.
Keeping the Shades Down
Make sure to keep all of your window coverings closed at night. When your shades are wide open, it lets intruders know where everyone is located inside your home at any given time. They are also able to see more clearly, what you have inside. An intruder shouldn’t know what there is that they can get from inside your home. If they do, and they find that you have something of value to them, they might make a victim. Always make sure that you stand outside your home to make sure no one can see directly inside your home, in the morning or at night.
We hope we have presented you with some information that you’ll put to good use if you are a female living alone. These are some practical ways of protecting yourself and your valuables at all times. If you have ever experienced a break-in, we are certain that you will find this information useful. You don’t have to do them all but it certainly can’t hurt.

Aricle source here: How Women Who Live Alone Stay Safe
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