In order to improve your home security, it may be necessary to add locks. Not just any lock but a durable lock that is resistant to forced entry. When you think in these terms, perhaps you’ll consider having a new deadbolt lock installed. If you’re going to have new deadbolt locks installed it will be most helpful to know something about the types of deadbolt locks that are available to you. Here are the deadbolt locks that we receive requests for most often at Star Norfolk Locksmith in Norfolk, VA. Give serious consideration to your needs and determine which one will work best for your circumstances.
Single Cylinder Deadbolt
This is the most widely used type of deadbolt lock on the market today. It has uses a key cylinder to open the door. It is possible to lock the interior portion of the cylinder with a metal latch that is placed through the cylinder. This makes it possible for you to have this type of deadbolt installed on a variety of door types.
Double Cylinder Deadbolt
This type, although very durable and resistant to break-ins, must be chosen with caution. It requires a key to unlock the lock on both sides. This means it has two key cylinders. This type of deadbolt can be mounted on the inside of the door and does not require a twist knob. The downside of having this type of lock installed is that a key is required to unlike either side. In the event of an emergency, if you are unable to locate the key and it hasn’t been left in the door, it could be very dangers. It is for this reason that you should seriously consider if this is the right deadbolt lock for you.
Keyless Entry Deadbolt
This is popular because you don’t have to worry about losing your key. Some of the keyless deadbolt locks are offered with the option of using your key. You will either receive a code or make up your own numerical code to be entered into a keypad in order to open the lock. Some come equipped with a mobile remote that you can use to unlock your door without being present. The transmitter, inside the remote will send a signal to your keypad to unlock or lock the door. Some of the keyless locks have either an audio signal or visual signal that lets you know if the lock is locked or unlocked. Some people prefer this type of deadbolt simply because they are not required to have a key in order to lock or unlock the door. This means you’ll never have to worry about losing or misplacing your key. The precaution to take when having this type of deadbolt installed is to make sure that you change the code frequently just in case someone has the code that you no longer want to have access inside. Being able to change the code as frequently as you would like is another advantage to having a keyless deadbolt lock. Just keep in mind that this type of lock needs batteries or an electric current in order to operate.
Vertical Deadbolt
This type of lock is generally installed on the interior part of the door. This prevents intruders from putting a bar between the door and its frame to pry open. This is what often happens with horizontal deadbolts. It is primarily installed toward on the top half of the door. Although they are not appealing to look at because of how bulky they are, the vertical deadbolt lock is one of the easiest to install. A similar deadbolt like is the rim deadbolt, which locks automatically. This means you won’t have to worry about whether or not you remembered to lock the door behind you.
Mortise Deadbolt
This is a much older type of lock. They are usually placed in mortise pockets, which are cut on the edge of the door. It makes it impossible for an intruder to tamper with the locks. A mortise deadbolt lock is very sturdy and durable. The only downside to this type of lock is that it does require that a large hole be cut into the door, which can weaken the entire structure of the door.
How to Choose
We have presented the top selling deadbolt locks. Now the rest is up to you. You will have to decide whether or not you want a single cylinder deadbolt lock, double cylinder deadbolt, keyless deadbolt or a mortise deadbolt. This requires a little more research since we’ve only told you how these various locks operate.
The single cylinder deadbolt lock is a great option for any home. They are high quality locks, which undoubtedly increase home security.
The double cylinder deadbolt lock provides the best security for doors with glass. Since a key is required to open the door from both sides. If an intruder were to break the glass to gain entry, they would be unsuccessful without the key. One thing you should know is that is you are interested in this type of lock it usually doesn’t pass standard fire codes. In order to have this type of lock installed you will have to find out the building’s regulations.
A keyless entry deadbolt lock affords the user the convenience of not having to pull out a key every time they want to gain access. It is more for convenience than it is for its level of security. The appeal of this lock is that the lock can be locked or unlocked remotely.
The mortise deadbolt lock is generally used in commercial buildings. In some cases, they may also be used in high-end residential construction.
When having your deadbolt locks installed, make sure you select a trustworthy locksmith, such as, Star Norfolk Locksmith, to handle the installation. They will not only be safe to use but they will have the right strike plates, screws and other parts needed to properly install your deadbolt locks.

Aricle source here: The Most Popular Deadbolt Locks
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