Sunday, November 27, 2016

How Women Who Live Alone Stay Safe

Norfolk Keypad LockJust because you are a women doesn’t mean that you’ll become the victim of a crime, however, you are often a target, especially if you live alone. If you’re the type who enjoys living by themselves, you should listen really listen up. There are some things that you can do to improve the odds of not being victimized. At Star Norfolk Locksmith in Norfolk, VA, we really appreciate the women who depend on us for their service needs and we want you to remain safe at all times. This is why we have put together this article. The suggestions here will help you remain safe.


Women living alone have a .5% of experiencing a burglary

Most intrusions happened during the day

Women have a .4% chance of experiencing a violent crime

Women have a .1$ of being robbed

Norfolk 24-Hour ServiceLiving Alone

We are finding more and more people living alone these days. Actually, we have noticed this since the mid-90’s. There are so many different reasons we find people living by themselves, children graduating school, buying first home, divorce and even some children being asked to leave. There is absolutely nothing wrong with living alone; however, it can pose a number of threats to your security. You must simply be aware of this and make sure you are careful when coming and going.

Don’t Tell Too Much

By giving other people the perception that you live with someone else is not a bad idea. You don’t have to lie about your living situation but no one has to actually know that you live by yourself. When others know that you live alone, it leaves you susceptible to break-ins. If you live alone, a would-be-intruder may begin to case your home to find out when you’re home and when you are away. Posting too much information on social media can also leave you susceptible, for the same reason. If someone knows that you live alone and you’re constantly posting your vacation pictures and letting others know that you’re going on vacation, this leaves your home wide open for an intrusion. This is the opportunity that an intruder is looking for. The wiser course would be to post your pics once you’ve returned home and make sure you post the date of your trip so that others know it was in the past. Posting the date will let others know that you’re home. When you live in an apartment building, always make it appear as though someone is home. Instead of listing your name on your mailbox, why not use the term ‘residence’. This gives the appearance that you do not live by yourself. Just because you have friends who know you live alone doesn’t mean that you should advertise this to others. If they don’t ask, then you shouldn’t voluntarily offer up this information.

Get Yourself a Pet

Dogs are not only cute and fun they can also be a source of protection. This might be a problem if you are allergic to dogs but if you’re not; it would be one of the most logical things that a single women can do to deter a possible intruder. Even when you can’t be home, your dog will be there. This decreases the possibility of someone breaking into your home when you’re not there. All that a dog needs to do is bark in order to scare off an intruder. If you like remotely, this is especially a good idea. Even if you don’t necessarily like dogs, they are a great source of protection, especially for women.

Tell a Friend

If your close friends and family are made aware of your coming and going, at least they can keep a lookout on you. You can inform them of your travel plans and when you are planning on returning. That way, if they see any suspicious activity around your home, they can act quickly to notify the appropriate authorities. It’s not a bad idea to make friends with other people in your neighborhood or complex. They can also keep an eye on things for you while you away. If they know you, they are more likely to keep an eye on things for you than if they don’t know you.

House Sitters

Just because you live in an apartment complex doesn’t mean that you can’t benefit from a house sitter. This prevents anyone from ever knowing that you are not home. It is also a good idea to allow someone that you know and trust to work from your home when you are away. This means that other people will never know when someone is at your home or not if it looks like there is always someone around. Another advantage to a house sitter is that you’ll have someone there who can feed the dog while you are away. The more you have someone visibly in your home, the least likely you are to experience a break-in.

Keeping the Shades Down

Make sure to keep all of your window coverings closed at night. When your shades are wide open, it lets intruders know where everyone is located inside your home at any given time. They are also able to see more clearly, what you have inside. An intruder shouldn’t know what there is that they can get from inside your home. If they do, and they find that you have something of value to them, they might make a victim. Always make sure that you stand outside your home to make sure no one can see directly inside your home, in the morning or at night.

We hope we have presented you with some information that you’ll put to good use if you are a female living alone. These are some practical ways of protecting yourself and your valuables at all times. If you have ever experienced a break-in, we are certain that you will find this information useful. You don’t have to do them all but it certainly can’t hurt.

Aricle source here: How Women Who Live Alone Stay Safe

Friday, November 11, 2016

Benefits Of A Home Safe

Norfolk Safe LockHaving a safe at home is NOT just for “the rich folk!” Far from it! People from all income levels can enjoy better protection and security for their valuables by having a residential safe installed or added to their home. Whether you have piles of cash lying around or want a secured place for your important documents or collectibles, a sturdy home safe is always good to have.

What’s In Your Safe?

Star Norfolk Locksmith installs home safes in all areas of town. You can call our shop or your favorite Norfolk, VA locksmith crew and get all of your questions answered and the right safe for your needs installed. You can literally put anything you like into your residential safe for protection. Some of the items our customers secure include cash, jewelry, real estate appraisals and titles, receipts, tax returns, treasured heirlooms, family photos, stock certificates, bonds, collectibles and even guns! Your safe not only protects your valuables from theft, it also can secure them against fire, flood, wind, dust and even nosy relatives and espionage!

Cash – that proverbial “rainy day” can come at any time! You’ve heard the saying “cash is king?” Well, it’s often true! Having fast access to real money is never a bad thing! The amount on hand at home is up to you; everyone’s needs are different. Our Star Norfolk Locksmith crew always tells customers to put aside any amount they feel comfortable saving. While we don’t ask you to become a “prepper” it is nice to have some money when the local ATM is down or it’s raining and you don’t feel like tackling the slick roads just to get your hands on some cash. Fast cash is always good to have around. You can use it for tipping the pizza guy, handyman expenses, paying the landscaper, emergency pluming problems, pet issues, dental care, charity donations, tax bills, fast food orders, auto repairs, and even for funeral expenses!

Weapons – this can be a touchy subject but for many having access to a gun or other firearms is essential for good home security. You can keep a gun in just about any decent sized home safe and a designated gun cabinet/safe can also be used. Our Star Norfolk Locksmith shop offers sales, service and installation of gun safes from the best manufacturers. Having a loaded weapon lying around is NOT smart. Accidental shootings involving children or other family members are more likely to happen this way. Don’t take chances with your weapons; secure all guns in a proper safe or cabinet!

Jewelry – you don’t have to have the Star of India in order to protect your jewelry. Both men and women can secure their valuable watches, rings, necklaces and bracelets in a locking safe. While you are at it, appraisals and receipts for that same jewelry can be stored and protected along with the gems. Often, investment grade stones of all kinds as well as watch collections and estate jewelry are kept in a residential safe.

Papers – many of our Norfolk, VA customers store important documents in their home safes. It’s nice knowing exactly where you bank books, passport, and birth certificates are all kept. Add to those appraisals, real estate documents, car titles, insurance papers, tax returns and even credit report print outs. If you have stock certificates or art appraisals these too can be included. Family heirlooms and old photographs can also be safeguarded this way. Many times technology like flash drives, hard drives and software find protection inside the family home safe.

Norfolk Residential LocksmithSome Concerns

Star Norfolk Locksmith offers free consultations to our local customers and some of the questions we get asked involve safes for home use. Some wonder if the safe will make them a target for home invasion or burglary. The important thing to stress is to be discreet about your safe. If you constantly brag about what’s IN your safe, then yes, you might become a target. You really don’t have to tell everyone you know about your safe and what you keep in it. Yes, safes are rather conspicuous but that doesn’t have to be the case. You don’t need a Brinks Guard standing next to it all day! Be discreet and place your safe in an accessible location in your home but not prominently displayed. You can also get a wall safe that is hidden behind a bookcase or a picture frame. Floor safes are NOT just for restaurant use; many homeowners have us install them at their homes. These can be hidden beneath furniture or under a rug. The location of your safe and the model you wind up adding depends much on your security needs. If you “bury” the safe under heavy furniture or in a safe room that is hard to access, then you shouldn’t add contents to it that you might need in a hurry like a weapon!

Where To Buy

If you’ve read this far, you are probably thinking of adding a home safe. Like anything else, some smart shopping is needed. Prices range from discount rates to ultra-expensive, and everything in-between. You can go to estate sales and sometimes get a real bargain. You may need an experienced locksmith to get your newly acquired safe open if it’s sealed and has no combination. National stores like Target, Sears and Wal-Mart offer a small variety of safes and you check online at EBay, Amazon and Craigslist for both new and used safes. It’s always wise to ask about shipping, installation, warranty coverage, spare parts and key codes or combinations. Read reviews and ask questions! Safe stores are generally more expensive than just calling a local, fully certified locksmith shop like Star Norfolk Locksmith were we offer premium quality sales, service and installation at the best rates and with your satisfaction guaranteed. Be choosy about selecting your home safe; after all, it will protect items that really matter to you! We cheerfully invite you to call our shop and get any questions you may have answered by our in-house safe professionals!

Aricle source here: Benefits Of A Home Safe

Monday, October 31, 2016


Norfolk Smart KeyIf you ever have trouble starting up your car, there are a number of reasons this could happen. One likely possibility is that your vehicle is showing signs of a failing ignition switch. If that’s the case, then it’s time to look into the issue further. In some instances, you can discover the underlying problem yourself. A worn-out ignition can actually be a hazard, so don’t ignore it.

Some causes of ignition problems:

A common reason an ignition fails is that it’s been faulty all along. Check with your car manufacturer. If you’re still under warranty, they’ll replace the ignition cylinder for you. If no longer under warranty, then you’ll need a reputable automotive locksmith specialist to assist you.

Your car key may have endured too much wear and tear. Over time, a key becomes increasingly ineffective, and eventually it can stop functioning altogether. If so, the key will have to be remade, applying the factory key cutting codes, in order to ensure that the key is precisely cut and fully functional.

Your key ignition’s set of wafers, which index with corresponding cuts on the car key, can become worn out, or jammed with grime, which will cause the ignition switch to fail. Simple cleaning, or individual wafer replacement, will do the trick, so a full replacement probably won’t be necessary.

There’s a broken key or other foreign object lodged in the mechanism. Do not try to fix this problem yourself unless you’re already a mechanic! Call a reputable automotive locksmith specialist instead. Otherwise, you might cause irreparable damage. Many times the broken key, or whatever the object is, can easily be removed by an expert, so that the entire ignition switch won’t have to be replaced.

Your transponder key isn’t communicating correctly. This can mean that the computer chip has lost its programming. You can get the existing key reprogrammed; or, you can hire a professional to copy the existing cuts in order to program a completely new car key. An accomplished professional automotive locksmith specialist will be able to supply the precision needed to properly carry out this painstaking service.

You’ve inserted the wrong key into the ignition switch. If you mistakenly inserted an incorrect key into the ignition, then don’t attempt to remove it! Trying to extract the key yourself can cause additional damage, which could be irreparable. Instead, hire a reliable locksmith immediately!

Someone has tried to steal your vehicle. A car thief can often make a disaster of your ignition switch and steering column. If this has happened to you, then it’s time to replace the whole ignition assembly.

Problems Starting Up Your Vehicle:

When you fire up your vehicle, the ignition coil takes its power from the battery, sending it to the sparkplugs. This ignites the fuel, making the car run. If you have to turn the engine over too many times trying to start it, it’s possible you could drain the battery, and then there won’t be any power left to start it up again. Furthermore, when you’re idling, your vehicle may become prone to stalling.

Check the Ignition Status:

Usually, when you put your key in the ignition switch and turn it, there are three positions:

1   The “off” status position: No power is being transmitted to the engine or system.

2   The “on” status position: The dashboard lights illuminate, but the engine is still off.

3   The “start” position: You exert full key pressure, and the engine fires up.

One certain sign of a bad ignition switch is that your instrument panel doesn’t light up when the key is in the second position.


If your ignition switch becomes hot to the touch, then the ignition switch problem likely originates in the electrical system. There may be a short in the system. Because the ignition switch is connected to high-resistance wires, any of the terminals where these wires are connected can overheat, which can melt the insulating base. If this occurs, your car will jerk violently and definitely won’t start.

Monitor Your Dashboard Lights:

Natural wear and tear on your car can eventually lead to ignition switch failure, especially if your automobile is an older model. If your ignition switch is beginning to fail, you may not hear any clicks from the main relay, which fires it up. If your vehicle stalls, take a look at your dashboard lights. When you turn the key to “on” (position 2), if the brake light, oil light, charge light, and other warning lights do not come on, then something’s certainly wrong.

Try this test to check the integrity of the ignition switch: When you get the ignition key to the “start” position (position 3), as soon as you see it’s starting, let go of the key, and allow it to snap back to the “on” position. If your warning lights turn off when the switch snaps back, then, for sure, the switch is faulty.

Watch for these additional warning signs:

  • the key comes out, even while the car is still running
  • you may observe increased auto emissions
  • you might notice higher fuel consumption
  • the steering wheel gets stuck sometimes, or becomes immovable
  • you’re experiencing car battery problems
  • you can’t put the key in the ignition at all

Do It Yourself:

Replacing an ignition switch is not an easy task, particularly in newer models, because they may have anti-theft devices. Removing or replacing your ignition switch without the right tools, and without taking the right precautions, will render your car inoperable! The electrical current running through the system can even cause you bodily harm, so keep all metallic objects away from all electrical wires. The whole process will involve removing the steering column, disconnecting the battery cable from the battery terminal, removing the wiring harness connected to the ignition switch, and so on, before you can install a new ignition switch.

Hiring a professional is your best bet.

Unless you’re sure you know what you’re doing, it’s a lot better to hire a dependable professional. If you’re anywhere in Norfolk, Virginia, it’s a good idea to hire an automotive locksmith specialist, such as a mobile technician on staff at Star Norfolk Locksmith, who will know exactly what to do to get you back on the road again in a jiffy.


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Star Norfolk Locksmith – What to Do in Different Lockout Situations

Every single day comes with its own set of worries and things to get done. The lists can sometimes seem endless. Whether you just have to go to the grocery store, pick up the kids from school, or just plan on kicking off your shoes and relaxing after a long day at work, the hope is that at the end of the day, you are able to just de-stress. Of course, if you get home and find that you are locked out, this can’t happen. One thing that is never on your to-do list is a lockout. This doesn’t mean that you can’t be prepared, though. Star Norfolk Locksmith is a business that serves locals in Norfolk, VA and has dealt with many lockouts before. The experienced and skilled team has offered some helpful tips and advice that would be beneficial to anyone who ever finds themselves in this awful (albeit fixable) situation. Take a look!

Norfolk Keypad Lock

  1. Locked out of the house in the middle of the night – If you ever find yourself locked out late at night, then the most important thing to do is be safe. If you have a trusted neighbor you can stay with until a locksmith arrives, this is a good idea. Or if you have someone you can call to wait with you, this is safer than being alone. Don’t forget – safety in numbers. If you have the option of waiting in your car rather than just outside, do this as well. Your security should be your number one priority. You should be able to access a 24/7 emergency locksmith in your local area.
  2. Locked out of the house during the day – While a better option than being stuck outside of your home in the middle of the night, this is still risky and you need to be careful. Luckily, you should be able to easily reach a professional lock and security provider who is able to get you back in. Hopefully, because it is during the day, you’ll be able to have a friend or neighbor wait with you, or provide you with a safe place to wait. In addition…
    1. Look for windows that might be unlocked. Sometimes, you have other ways of getting into your home which you might not have even thought of. If you happened to open a window last night to let in a cool breeze, then forgot to lock it, this could be your way of getting back in without having to call in a locksmith.
    2. Consider removing the door knob of your front door. Obviously, if you have a deadbolt being used, this will not be effective. However, most door knobs have tiny slots that will allow you to take them off if you do the job with care.
    3. If you happen to live in an apartment complex, try calling the front office to see if someone is able to let you in to your home.

The best way to avoid a lockout is to be as prepared as possible to try to prevent it from happening in the first place. So what can you do? First of all, consider the benefits of going keyless. Keyless entry systems are becoming quite popular for both homes and offices. You can use an easy to remember code (but not one that is easy to guess) to get into your property. You can share this code with anyone you trust. As a matter of fact, many systems are able to alert authorities if an incorrect code is entered too many times. This way, you can know if someone is trying to access your property, whereas if you had a standard lock and key, you would have no idea that someone was trying to break in, unless of course you had a security camera in place. Keyless entry is one thing that you might want to consider discussing with a lock and security professional.

Norfolk 24-Hour ServiceAnother way to prevent getting locked out from becoming a problem is to have a spare copy of your key somewhere that is easy for you to access, but difficult for an unwanted person to figure out. Maybe you want to keep a copy of your key inside of a plant. Or perhaps you feel comfortable enough leaving a spare key with your neighbor, or someone else who is a quick drive away. A duplicate copy of your key is one safe way to prevent having to be locked out for long.

Buy a “hide a key.” This is the same idea of leaving your key copy somewhere that you can remember, but it takes it a step further. You can buy something that looks like a log, for instance, that totally blends in with your property. You can have a key stored away in it, hidden from the public but in a place in which you know about and can easily get to.

Try reciting a mantra every time you leave the house. For example, whenever you leave your home or office, say, “Car key, house key, lights on…” or something similar. If you get used to repeating this information whenever you leave, it will become a routine, making it more difficult for you to forget your key. Some people have pets that have to be walked before they leave their home – if taking your dog out to use the bathroom is a habit, why not a mantra as well?

Hopefully, you will never have to deal with a lockout, but if you ever get locked out in Norfolk, VA, you can reach out to the team at Star Norfolk Locksmith for 24/7 emergency assistance, affordable prices and effective results. Look for a locksmith in your local area, whether that happens to be in Virginia or any other state. Best of luck with your locks and security!

Aricle source here: Star Norfolk Locksmith – What to Do in Different Lockout Situations

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Most Popular Deadbolt Locks

Norfolk Deadbolts

In order to improve your home security, it may be necessary to add locks. Not just any lock but a durable lock that is resistant to forced entry. When you think in these terms, perhaps you’ll consider having a new deadbolt lock installed. If you’re going to have new deadbolt locks installed it will be most helpful to know something about the types of deadbolt locks that are available to you. Here are the deadbolt locks that we receive requests for most often at Star Norfolk Locksmith in Norfolk, VA. Give serious consideration to your needs and determine which one will work best for your circumstances.

Single Cylinder Deadbolt

This is the most widely used type of deadbolt lock on the market today. It has uses a key cylinder to open the door. It is possible to lock the interior portion of the cylinder with a metal latch that is placed through the cylinder. This makes it possible for you to have this type of deadbolt installed on a variety of door types.

Double Cylinder Deadbolt

This type, although very durable and resistant to break-ins, must be chosen with caution. It requires a key to unlock the lock on both sides. This means it has two key cylinders. This type of deadbolt can be mounted on the inside of the door and does not require a twist knob. The downside of having this type of lock installed is that a key is required to unlike either side. In the event of an emergency, if you are unable to locate the key and it hasn’t been left in the door, it could be very dangers. It is for this reason that you should seriously consider if this is the right deadbolt lock for you.

Keyless Entry Deadbolt

This is popular because you don’t have to worry about losing your key.  Some of the keyless deadbolt locks are offered with the option of using your key. You will either receive a code or make up your own numerical code to be entered into a keypad in order to open the lock. Some come equipped with a mobile remote that you can use to unlock your door without being present. The transmitter, inside the remote will send a signal to your keypad to unlock or lock the door. Some of the keyless locks have either an audio signal or visual signal that lets you know if the lock is locked or unlocked. Some people prefer this type of deadbolt simply because they are not required to have a key in order to lock or unlock the door. This means you’ll never have to worry about losing or misplacing your key. The precaution to take when having this type of deadbolt installed is to make sure that you change the code frequently just in case someone has the code that you no longer want to have access inside. Being able to change the code as frequently as you would like is another advantage to having a keyless deadbolt lock. Just keep in mind that this type of lock needs batteries or an electric current in order to operate.

Vertical Deadbolt

This type of lock is generally installed on the interior part of the door. This prevents intruders from putting a bar between the door and its frame to pry open. This is what often happens with horizontal deadbolts. It is primarily installed toward on the top half of the door. Although they are not appealing to look at because of how bulky they are, the vertical deadbolt lock is one of the easiest to install. A similar deadbolt like is the rim deadbolt, which locks automatically. This means you won’t have to worry about whether or not you remembered to lock the door behind you.

Mortise Deadbolt

This is a much older type of lock. They are usually placed in mortise pockets, which are cut on the edge of the door. It makes it impossible for an intruder to tamper with the locks. A mortise deadbolt lock is very sturdy and durable. The only downside to this type of lock is that it does require that a large hole be cut into the door, which can weaken the entire structure of the door.

Norfolk Lock Box

How to Choose

We have presented the top selling deadbolt locks. Now the rest is up to you. You will have to decide whether or not you want a single cylinder deadbolt lock, double cylinder deadbolt, keyless deadbolt or a mortise deadbolt. This requires a little more research since we’ve only told you how these various locks operate.

The single cylinder deadbolt lock is a great option for any home. They are high quality locks, which undoubtedly increase home security.

The double cylinder deadbolt lock provides the best security for doors with glass. Since a key is required to open the door from both sides. If an intruder were to break the glass to gain entry, they would be unsuccessful without the key. One thing you should know is that is you are interested in this type of lock it usually doesn’t pass standard fire codes. In order to have this type of lock installed you will have to find out the building’s regulations.

A keyless entry deadbolt lock affords the user the convenience of not having to pull out a key every time they want to gain access. It is more for convenience than it is for its level of security. The appeal of this lock is that the lock can be locked or unlocked remotely.

The mortise deadbolt lock is generally used in commercial buildings. In some cases, they may also be used in high-end residential construction.

When having your deadbolt locks installed, make sure you select a trustworthy locksmith, such as, Star Norfolk Locksmith, to handle the installation. They will not only be safe to use but they will have the right strike plates, screws and other parts needed to properly install your deadbolt locks.

Aricle source here: The Most Popular Deadbolt Locks

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Norfolk Residential LocksmithSafeguarding your home secure is vitally important. Your home ought to be a place where you always feel safe. Therefore, keep your home’s locks in good working order. Make sure that all your outside locks, especially your front door locks ~ are always functioning properly, and upgrade to higher quality when you can. You’ll keep your family and valuables perpetually safe when your locks are tough and resilient.

It’s best to be pro-active so as to avoid any mishaps with locks and keys. If you face an issue you can’t resolve, a local professional residential locksmith specialist is available to you, even if it’s after hours, such as Star Norfolk Locksmith, right here in Norfolk, Virginia, which is open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

When do you need to replace your locks? Here are some important points to consider:

A new home. If you ever move into a new home, it’s absolutely vital that you get your locks changed, without delay. The truth is, you never know if any previous residents may still have spare keys to your place.

New roommates or tenants. Do you rent out any space in your home? With any rental properties of any kind, you absolutely must replace locks each time you change tenants. Even if the last occupants return their keys to you, you cannot be completely certain that they don’t still have copies.

Lost keys. If you’ve looked and looked to no avail, and you know your keys are lost for good, then change your locks as soon as possible. You definitely don’t want a stranger to gain access to your home. Accordingly, all the outdoor locks, which would allow a would-be intruder access, should be replaced right away. Depending upon your personal security priorities, after you’ve fully secured your new outdoor locks, then you may want to replace some inside locks, too.

Stuck keys. When locks get worn out, a key can get stuck in the lock mechanism, or even break off. When there is a problem with the internal mechanism, the key won’t slide into the lock as easily. If you are starting to experience any resistance when you turn your key in the lock, this can often be a sign that it’s time for lock replacement.

Norfolk Broken key extraction

Normal wear & tear. Worn-out and rusted locks can prove to be a serious weakness to your home’s security, because they are easier for a potential burglar to pick or break. Old and rusted locks will also grow more difficult to open over time. If a lock has rust, bad tarnish, or is showing any other signs of wear, it is probably time to replace it. If your lock is becoming difficult to unlock each time you try it, especially when it’s cold out, it’s a good idea to replace it.

Rusty locks. Because you and your family members go in and out your door many times per day, as time goes by, locks will eventually become worn-out or even rusted, which means they’ll be more likely to break. If you see any signs of rust, you’ll start to notice that you’re having trouble putting the key in the lock mechanism, or making the key turn. If so, it’s time to replace the lock.

Damaged locks. If your locks are ever tampered with, somehow vandalized, or otherwise damaged, get new locks as soon as you can. Don’t risk it! Just replace your locks right away. It’s best not to keep a damaged lock for an extended period, because you will be susceptible to future problems, making it easier for a robber to break in.

Break-ins. If you are indeed unlucky enough to have had a burglary happen, or even a burglary attempt, it’s imperative that you replace your locks immediately. The force of a break-in compromises the integrity of any lock mechanism. A damaged lock will put you at an increased risk of another robbery. Mechanical malfunction could soon leave you locked out. Your keys may have fallen into the wrong hands. Don’t take any risks! Replace all your locks right away ~ ideally upgraded to deadlocks or bump-proof locks.

Deadbolts. If you are indeed feeling particularly vulnerable for any reason, replace your locks with deadbolts. Most expert residential locksmiths will tell you that deadbolts will provide enhanced security at your home.

Combination locks. Do you lose your keys all too often? You could consider replacing your basic lock with a combination door lock instead. Combination door locks can be opened by putting in a pass code you choose. Most combination locks have a keyed lock too. That way, in case your input ever malfunctions for some reason, or if you ever forget the pass code, you’ll still be able to get in using the key. Remember, it’s a good idea to change your pass code every few months. If you ever feel that its access might have been compromised, then change the pass code right away, just as you would replace a conventional lock if you lost your key.

Norfolk Keypad Lock

Peace of mind. There are other logical reasons to replace your locks. After living many years at your home, you may forget how many family members, friends, and neighbors you’ve given copies of your keys to, so you may want to replace and/or upgrade your locks periodically, as a good way to regularly maintain your home’s security. You’ll have better peace of mind when you know you’re effectively protecting your possessions and your family.

Go digital. Would you like to go high-tech? To genuinely augment your home’s security, you can replace your standard locks with electronic door locks. This is an ideal way for you to secure your place without the need for keys at all. Keyless locks, some that work with remotes or with smart devices; keypads; alarm systems with remote codes; even biometrics, have all opened numerous new possibilities in home security. Once you know how to apply new technology, electronic locks are easy to use, most including appealing features that will provide you with additional convenience and security.


Monday, May 30, 2016

How to Deal With A Jammed Safe

The first thing that we think of when placing valuables in a safe is that they are being protected from intruders. The last thing we think of is that we ourselves would not be able to collect the goods when the appropriate time came. The term “safe” can be misleading in that the contents are not truly safe if they cannot be accessed at all.
When a safe is found to be jammed, it may be tempting to start bashing away at it until it bends to your will. The situation is a bit more complicated than picking an average door lock because they are designed with the intent to hide the locking mechanism in order to prevent tampering. Not only that, but all safes are not created equally; they contain different types of locks and do not advertise that information on the front plate. With that in mind, the preliminary step to diagnosing the technical problem at hand is to ascertain the unique model number or name associated with the brand that is owned. Serial numbers and brand names are labeled on inconspicuous areas such as sides or the bottom. 

Larger commercial safe manufacturers have websites with pertinent information. There are lists of frequently asked questions about trouble shooting and common safe malfunctions. There are digital copies of owner’s manuals furnished online that offer the inner workings of the machine in question and likely problems associated with different part failures. Diagrams help in understanding special issues. Some even include email contact forms or telephone hotlines for helping troubled customers. Before the problems get any deeper, check if the device is still covered by warranty. 

Opening safes is a theme that is well represented in popular culture. From movies to video games, scenes of cat burglars and spies opening safes are saturated in the collective consciousness. This isn’t as simple as movies make it look. Norfolk, VA locksmith professionals could potentially save safe owners hours of frustration with one call. That being said, it is necessary to discern whether or not the safe in question is electronically based. If the safe has lights, a keypad, and a battery panel then it is of the electronic variety. 

Electronic Safes

Electronic safes have a set of exclusive problems that come with the territory. There is a second tier of security which is also a second chance for systematic failure. There could be an issue with the wired components. If the lights are no longer shining when the initiation sequence is activated, i.e., when a button is pushed, then either the power source is depleted or there is a short in the circuitry. There should be an access panel to the battery housing somewhere on the safe. 

Next to consider for the inaccessible electronic safe is that when a security code is punched incorrectly too many times, the system may trigger a precautionary lock out that must be waited out, usually twenty-four hours. These are designed to deter thieves and can also be activated after an attempt to remotely unlock the item. As stated, if the wired parts are functioning properly it could still be the lock itself. 

To identify a problem that is occurring internally, stop and listen. The sound made when the lock is refusing to give way can reveal the source. A metallic ringing that reverberates tells that the faulty piece is one that is made out of metal. Sounds that seem dulled in comparison reveal that a plastic or non-metallic object is stuck. If the safe is opened and shut frequently, the repeated stress can wear away at vital components, especially soft ones like plastic.

One of the oldest and most common types of locking mechanisms used by safe manufacturers is the combination wheel pack design. They vary in the number of dials it takes to release the bolt. They must be calibrated correctly or even the right combination will result in a jam. 

It goes to say that there are alternatives to actually fixing the problem. Those alternatives involve blunt force. Using a hammer and chisel can do the trick. If the chisel is inserted into a crevice around the insulation of the front panel door, then enough hammer impacts may force the door open. Doing this can irreparably damage the locking mechanism and require replacement of the safe. This technique can also exacerbate the situation by causing further interior misalignment. It is not recommended that one uses force to open their safe. Not only could you damage the safe itself, but you could hurt yourself, too.

Get in touch with an experience expert and save money and damage!

Working professionals are out there that handle these situations daily and can retrieve sealed valuables by much more reasonable means. Star Norfolk Locksmith in Norfolk, Virginia has staff with the competence to unlock safes and provide on-site repairs to prevent future issues. It is best to contact a licensed lock and security provider, rather than taking matters into your own hands. If the safe that cannot be opened or unlocked is at your place of work, then you likely need to be able to open it immediately to make a bank deposit. Luckily, there are locksmiths all over the place, to include in Norfolk, Virginia, who make themselves available to help customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You are generally able to take advantage of same day service, which is incredibly helpful when you have a lock problem that can’t wait. If the safe is in your home and doesn’t need to immediately be unlocked, then perhaps you can set up an appointment that works with your hectic schedule. Just remember that it is always best to have a licensed and insured expert tackle the task, especially when it involves expensive components.

Call on a local locksmith if your safe is jammed at your commercial or residential property. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Perch lets you turn nearly any device with a camera into a smart home security system


For home owners and renters alike, there are countless of gadgets that can help them remotely monitor their home through a smartphone. Perch, a new startup born out of the Samsung Accelerator program, wants to do away with useless hardware and let you turn a camera you may already own into a security monitor.

Instead of requiring customers to buy additional hardware, Perch lets you use any USB-based webcam, smartphone, laptop or tablet as the point of capture. The Perch app allows you to dictate the area of the screen you wish to monitor and send an alert when it notices unusual movements.

Click to view slideshow.

Furthermore, you can take action when those alerts happen. Unlike most smart home monitors on the market which can only record and show you what’s happening, Perch lets you stream yourself back to the smartphone or tablet currently monitoring your home and to do something about it.

For example, if you notice your dog chewing on the couch, you’ll be able to start a video chat to the monitoring device to actually tell Fido to stop.

Read more: Perch lets you turn nearly any device with a camera into a smart home security system

Related Article: Read These Tips to Select the Best Security Camera Systems


Monday, April 18, 2016

Benjamin Sickler Live Stream

Star Norfolk Locksmith is the best choice for all things lock and key. You can learn about our top of the line services
Locksmith services we pride ourselves in offering include:
– Lock Changes
– Fire Devices
– Mailbox Locks
– Keyless remotes
– Business and Home Safes
– Bump-proof Lock
– Key Extraction
– Lockout Help
– Video Surveillance
– Keypad Devices
– Key Duplication
– Lock Replacement
– And more!
Star Norfolk Locksmith’s residential options include:
– Gun Safes
– Home Safes
– 24/7 Home Lockout Help
– Fence and Garage Locks
– Lock Replacement
– Peepholes
– Lock Changes
– And more!
Some of our automotive services are:
– Trunk Unlocking
– Transponder Key Creation
– Ignition Change
– High Security Sidewinder
– 24/7 Emergency Lockout Help
– Smart Keys
– Key Extraction
– And more!
And here is an overview of our commercial solutions:
– Magnetic Locks
– Lock Change
– Cabinet Locks
– Safe Installation
– Lock Replacement
– Panic Devices
– And more!
Get on the phone with us today! (757) 414-2252

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Welcome To Norfolk Locksmith Professionals

Norfolk Locksmith provides its customers with residential, automotive, commercial and emergency locksmith services. Take the time to find out more about the excellent services offered to you at Norfolk Locksmith, if you currently require any of the aforementioned lock or key services. When you want services from the most qualified locksmiths in the area, do yourself a favor and seek the services of our expert locksmiths at Norfolk Locksmith. They will always provide you with the best and most efficient lock and key services possible.

Far to often, customers will wait until the problem escalates before contacting us. This should be avoided if at all possible. We want to help minimize your problem, not add to it by charging you more for a problem that is now worse than it initially was. At the first sign of trouble, let Norfolk Locksmith come to your aid. We have the tools and the talent needed to effectively handle a variety of locksmith service needs. We receive a lot of repeat business because we give our customers, not just the services they need but also they services they want.

If you want quick and efficient services at reasonable prices, rely on the services of Norfolk Locksmith for your locksmith service needs. Our services are available to you any time of the day and any day of the week because of our mobile services. If you want to find out more about what we have to offer to you, contact us for your no-obligation, complimentary consultation at Norfolk Locksmith (757) 414-222.