Whether you’re going away for the holidays or your going on a family vacation, you should always make sure your home is safe. This means more than just locking up your door and leaving. You have to take into consideration all the things you may be doing to draw attention to your home by a burglar. We get so excited that perhaps all we can do is think about what we’ll do while we are away. Just like you plan for your trip, you’ll also have to create a checklist to determine how you’ll protect your home. You can avoid experiencing a break-in with some forethought. Don’t create a problem for yourself when you can do something to make sure your return home is pleasant. At Star Norfolk Locksmith in Norfolk, VA, we find that it is the most basic things that some homeowners are doing that lead to their home becoming a target.
Just think about it. If you’re going away for the holiday, burglars may have your home on their radar. They may simply camp out to watch your comings and goings. In addition to waiting to see if you’re coming back, they may take notice of other things that will give them a clear indication of your being out of town. When you leave certain things to chance, it is more likely that you may experience a home intrusion. The best way to protect your home is to simply add it to your planning process. If you have others living in the home, you may want to involve them in your planning process. After creating a checklist, assign everyone something to do before you set out on the road. Check with everyone to make sure they did what they were assigned to do. This takes some of the pressure off of you and doesn’t make it seem so overwhelming.
Avoid Being Targeted
People do not want to believe that there is something they can be doing to contribute to their home becoming a target. This is a fact. Our Norfolk residential locksmith will often consult with the homeowner about things they did prior to leaving for their vacation and they always find one thing that could have contributed to their unfortunate circumstances they now find themselves in. It could be something as simple as not locking the door. Perhaps they thought someone else did it. There may be a burglar in the neighborhood who goes around checking doors just to see if they are unlocked. Don’t become a victim. Create a checklist as soon as you’ve determined that you will be leaving your home for a while.
Install a Security System
A security system is a great way to alert the appropriate authorities to an intrusion. Even having the signage of an alarm service prominently displayed on your property can keep you from becoming the target of an intruder. When they know you have a security system, they will likely avoid your home and go to the one that doesn’t. An intruder doesn’t want to be identified so if they know that you have an alarm, they will avoid being caught. If you have a system with a camera, the camera can be inconspicuously placed around your doors and it can capture a picture of someone who may be lurking around your home. Check the footage prior to leaving and share it with the local police department so that they can be alert to the possibility of someone targeting your home. The same person may be targeting the entire neighborhood. Do your part in making sure you and your neighbors are protected.
Lock Doors and Windows
You may feel as though we are overdoing it by continuing to mention the need to lock the doors of your home. We wouldn’t mention it if it were not a big problem. When you have a lot on your mind, it is rather easy to forget to lock up your doors and windows. Intruders use windows and doors to gain entry into your home. This is why you should check to make sure that every window and door in your home is locked. This might require a separate checklist to make sure that you’ve accounted for every one in your home. We have not only found windows that were unlocked but we also find that some are actually left open. This is just an invitation to come in and take what you want.
Avoid Posting on Social Media
It’s natural to want to tell others of your travel plans. This is not a problem unless you are posting this information on social media. Since you do not know everyone following you, it is best to avoid doing this. You are announcing to others that you will be away from home. You are practically giving an intruder permission to come in your home. What you are doing is telling them they have time and opportunity; which is all they need in order to make off with your valuables. Don’t give them the pleasure of doing this.
Have Mail Picked Up
Just think about it. What would you think if you saw mail piling up in your neighbors mail box? You would assume no one is home. Well a burglar will come to the same conclusion. This is why it is a good idea to have someone pick up your mail while you are away. If you think about it, you can have the post office hold onto your mail until you return. The same is true if you expect to have any packages delivered. Packages piled up on your front porch can give others the indication that no one is home. Rather than allowing them to sit out in the open, have them delivered to someone else’s home or have them held until you are able to retrieve them yourself. Some burglars are looking for things like this so that they will know who their next target will be.

Aricle source here: Common Mistakes People Make When Going on Vacation